Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit original contributions on any topic related to the conference themes:
- Footbridge competitions: experiences
- Footbridges as an important part of a system: the context as an experience
- Bringing life to existing bridges: Experience on bridge transformations into footbridges or cyclist paths.
- Extreme experiences: long span suspension bridges in remote places.
- User experience on the bridge: staying, marketing, feeling vibrations, etc.
- Learning from experience: how overcoming to failure in procurement, designing, etc.
- Experiences of the future: experimentations
- Sharing your experience: bringing footbridges for human survival. Footbridges in underdeveloped areas
Due to the modification of the conference dates to 2022, a new submission of papers process has been opened. Please check the new dates here!
Submission of abstracts: Open
Submission of Papers: Closed
Participants wishing to present a full text paper are invited to submit an abstract using the template in the link below. Please follow the instruction indicated in the template.
Download one-page abstract template
Participants who submit an abstract that is accepted, can present a full text paper.
The full text paper shall be submitted as Portable Document Format file (.pdf) and as editable format file (.doc or .docx) by the deadline on 10th January 2022 and shall be accompanied by a one-page abstract (as .pdf and .doc/.docx format). Please upload the 4 files as one .zip file using the Easychair online system at